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Construction workers on work site


Go with Privy

We are the portable toilet ad company - offering exclusive poster placements to reach trades, contractors, and event attendees in private spaces.

Construction and trade workers are tough to reach. They work hard in dirty, difficult environments. Modern advertising channels often miss them completely.


A few times a day, their (almost) undivided attention can be captured. Yet, no one does. Until Privy Ad. 


We are the portable toilet ad company, 

and we want you to go with us.

Our #1 and #2 fans


“Connecting with construction workers in the workplace has always been a challenge given the ever changing environment. This was a fantastic and innovative new medium to reach construction workers with a highly prominent and visual message in the workplace. The team was fantastic to work and we’ll definitely be utilizing the touchpoint to connect with this audience moving forward”

Razvan Luca

Media Director at Trampoline


Get in Touch

50 Temple Terrace, Unit A
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, B4C 0A7

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